Festival Napa Valley has announced it will premiere Gordon Getty’s Old Man Trilogy at its Vocal Fantastique concert on July 18, 2024, at the Festival Napa Valley Stage at Charles Krug. The three pieces (“The Old Man in the Night,” “The Old Man in the Morning” and “The Old Man in the Snow”), written for chorus and orchestra, will be performed by the Volti Chorale and Festival Orchestra Napa.
Art credits from left to right: BTEU/Gerfototek / Alamy Stock Photo • The Garden at Eragny in Spring by Camille Pissarro (Photo © Christie’s Images / Bridgeman Images) • Sunset on the sea by Giuseppe Fattori / Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy (Luisa Ricciarini / Bridgeman Images)